
Module Contents

CRITICAL = 50[source]
ERROR = 40[source]
WARNING = 30[source]
INFO = 20[source]
DEBUG = 10[source]
NOTSET = 0[source]
exception LoggerException[source]

Bases: dlab_core.domain.exceptions.DLabException

Base class for Logger execution exceptions.

class AbstractLogger[source]

Base class for Loggers.

debug(self, msg)[source]

Delegate an debug call to the underlying logger.

Parameters:msg (str) – Logging message.
info(self, msg)[source]

Delegate an info call to the underlying logger.

Parameters:msg (str) – Logging message.
warn(self, msg)[source]

Delegate a warning call to the underlying logger.

Parameters:msg (str) – Logging message.
err(self, msg)[source]

Delegate an error call to the underlying logger.

Parameters:msg (str) – Logging message.