Source code for dlab_core.setup

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import os
import sys

from setuptools import find_packages

"""Author of the package email address"""
[docs]AUTHOR_EMAIL = ''
""" author of the package """
[docs]AUTHOR = 'Apache Software Foundation'
""" Gives the index and pip some additional metadata about your package. In this case, the package is only compatible with Python 3, is licensed under the MIT license, and is OS-independent. You should always include at least which version(s) of Python your package works on, which license your package is available under, and which operating systems your package will work on. For a complete list of classifiers, see """
[docs]CLASSIFIERS = [ "Development Status :: 1 - Planning ", "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Programming Language :: Python", "Topic :: Software Development", "Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", "Topic :: System :: Clustering", "Topic :: System :: Software Distribution", "Topic :: System :: Systems Administration",
] """ Type of markup is used for the long description. In this case, it's Markdown. """
[docs]DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_TYPE = "text/markdown"
""" Text indicating the license covering the package where the license is not a selection from the "License" Trove classifiers. See the Classifier field. Notice that there's a licence distribution option which is deprecated but still acts as an alias for license. """
[docs]LICENSE = 'Apache-2.0'
""" Appropriate PEP 440 version specifier string will prevent pip from installing the project on other Python versions """
[docs]PYTHON_REQUIRES = ', '.join([ '>=2.7', '!=3.0.*', '!=3.1.*', '!=3.2.*', '!=3.3.*'
]) """ URL for the homepage of the project. For many projects, this will just be a link to GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or similar code hosting service. """
[docs]URL = ""
""" Version file name location """
[docs]VERSION_FILE = ''
""" Readme file location """
[docs]README_FILE = ''
""" requirements.txt file location """
[docs]REQUIREMENTS_FILE = 'requirements.txt'
[docs]class SetupException(Exception): """Class for Setup exceptions.""" pass
[docs]class FileNotFoundException(IOError): """Exception class thrown when a file couldn't be found""" pass
[docs]class SetupParametersDirector: """Construct an parameters dict using the BaseSetupParametersBuilder interface. """ def __init__(self): """Director constructor. """ self._builder = None
[docs] def build(self, builder): """Build setup parameters. :param builder: Parameters builder. :type builder: BaseSetupParametersBuilder :return: None """ self._builder = builder self._builder.set_packages() self._builder.set_requirements() self._builder.set_version() self._builder.set_long_description() self._builder.set_entry_points() self._builder.set_package_data()
[docs] def parameters(self): """Get parameters list as dict for :return: dict """ builder = self._builder # type: SetupParametersBuilder return builder.parameters
[docs]class SetupParametersBuilder(object): """Creating parts of a setup parameters dict see PEP 561 for more details about Distributing and Packaging Type Information """ def __init__(self, name, description): """Builder constructor. :type name: str :param name: Distribution name of your package. :type description: str :param description: Short, one-sentence summary of the package. """ self._name = name self._parameters = { 'name': name, 'description': description, 'classifiers': CLASSIFIERS, 'url': URL, 'author': AUTHOR, 'author_email': AUTHOR_EMAIL, 'license': LICENSE, 'python_requires': PYTHON_REQUIRES, 'long_description_content_type': DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_TYPE, 'packages': None, 'install_requires': None, 'version': None, 'long_description': None, } @property
[docs] def entry_points(self): """Get setup entry points :return: dict """ return {}
[docs] def package_data(self): """Get setup package data :return: dict """ return {}
[docs] def parameters(self): """Get parameters list as dict for :return: dict """ return self._parameters
[docs] def _read_file(name): """Get content by filename. :type name: str :param name: File location. :return: str """ if not os.path.isfile(name): raise FileNotFoundException( "No such file or directory: '{}'".format(name) ) try: with open(name, "r") as fh: return except IOError as e: if hasattr(e, 'filename'): e = SetupException("{}: '{}'".format( e.strerror, e.filename )) raise e
[docs] def set_packages(self): """Set list of all Python import packages that should be included in the distribution package. Instead of listing each package manually, we can use find_packages() to automatically discover all packages and subpackages. In this case, the list of packages will be example_pkg as that's the only package present. :return: None """ self._parameters['packages'] = find_packages()
[docs] def set_requirements(self): """Set libraries list that should be used to specify what a project minimally needs to run correctly. When the project is installed by pip, this is the specification that is used to install its dependencies. :return: None """ content = self._read_file(REQUIREMENTS_FILE) self._parameters['install_requires'] = content.splitlines() if sys.platform == 'win32': self._parameters['install_requires'].append('pypiwin32')
[docs] def lib_file(self): """Get library file location. :return: str """ return self._name + '.py'
[docs] def version_file(self): """Get version file location. :return: str """ return os.path.join(self._name, VERSION_FILE)
[docs] def set_version(self): """Set package version see PEP 440 for more details on versions. :return: None """ _locals = {} try: content = self._read_file(self.lib_file) except FileNotFoundException: content = None try: if content is None: content = self._read_file(self.version_file) exec(content, None, _locals) self._parameters['version'] = _locals['__version__'] except SyntaxError as e: raise SetupException(e.text) except KeyError: raise SetupException("name '{}' is not defined".format( '__version__' )) except FileNotFoundException: raise SetupException('No version or library file')
[docs] def set_long_description(self): """Set detailed description of the package. This is shown on the package detail package on the Python Package Index. In this case, the long description is loaded from which is a common pattern. :return: None """ content = self._read_file(README_FILE) self._parameters['long_description'] = content
[docs] def set_entry_points(self): """ A dictionary mapping entry point group names to strings or lists of strings defining the entry points. Entry points are used to support dynamic discovery of services or plugins provided by a project. See Dynamic Discovery of Services and Plugins for details and examples of the format of this argument. In addition, this keyword is used to support Automatic Script Creation. :return: None """ if self.entry_points: self._parameters['entry_points'] = self.entry_points
[docs] def set_package_data(self): """ Include package data :return: None """ if self.package_data: self._parameters['package_data'] = self.package_data self._parameters['include_package_data'] = True